A few weeks ago, Big B decided that the tough questions should be directed to PawPaw, who lives in Alabama. Questions like, "What does the inside of your body look like?" and "Why do germs like us?". So yesterday morning, over his bowl of organic cinnamon crunch, Big B asked the big one: "What is God?"
As I was formulating my answer, he handed me the phone, and demanded: "Call PawPaw." So we did, and left a message with Big B's question.
After pondering the question all day, PawPaw sent the following reply last night. My father has spent his career helping people with the tough stuff; I understand a bit better why he feels this calling. This will live with me all of my days, and I can only hope, all of Big B's days as well.As I was formulating my answer, he handed me the phone, and demanded: "Call PawPaw." So we did, and left a message with Big B's question.
Check out how beautiful flowers are.....why are they so beautiful to us? Why aren't they just plain? Why does wisteria smell soooo good? Why is a new puppy so lovable? Maybe there's something behind that...
When you get older, you'll find that certain songs or pictures or books make you cry for joy? Why would that be? Lots of people think it's because those things make us want a special comfort that those things remind us of...a thing or a feeling we remember even though we don' t really know what it is....I call that God... (get your Mom, when you get a little older, to play the last few minutes of Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition" for you....you'll see what I mean).
As you grow older, you'll find a lot of people who seem to be living their lives just for themselves....they have everything they want, but they don' t seem to be happy. Why is that? The happiest people always seem to be the people that are connecting to a purpose that's bigger than themselves...a higher power....I call that God, but some people don't. Either way, those are the happiest people.
My parents (your Mom's Nandy and PawPaw) are gone....but where to? I know they're somewhere. I believe they are at the place where they started....with God.
You know that safe feeling you have when you're with your Mom and Dad? That's the feeling I'm talking about, only bigger...
Some people don' t believe there's a God. Most people do. I do.
The truth is, we don't really know. But there are hints. Kind of like the bread crumbs in Hansel and Gretel. These are some of them.
Love... Pawpaw
I love this!! I especially love how he ponders the idea and doesn't leave Big B (or us) with the "what" of God...I'm left thinking of all the feelings/joys that denote God in my life. I've always enjoyed the maybe, the mystery, the questions unanswered...Thanks PawPaw.
This is so beautiful. I don't even have words to respond....just beautiful!
That was too beautiful for words! Definitely a 10 on the teary eye scale!! Thanks Paw-Paw for such an endearing explanation. (I'm so glad Big B has you for his Paw-Paw!)
Wow. Paw Paw is *amazing*.
Wonderful. Thoughtful. Perfect for a little boy or any adult that needs their hearts warmed.
Wow! Your boy's Paw Paw sure gives really good answers.
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