Sunday, December 28, 2008

Recycled Christmas: Photocard Magnets

If it is hard to dis-card your old Christmas greetings, it is even harder to say goodbye to those holiday photos of your loved ones. Each year more and more of us are going the way of the digital photocard, but what becomes of them? I used to stick them to the fridge in their entirety, but by February I was sick of the holly and snowflakes. So we came up with a solution in January that has lasted us all year. Today, big B and I created this year's collection.


MATERIALS: Holiday photos, scissors, magnetic tape
STEP ONE: Cut the figures of the people in each photo, leaving the background piece in tact (see Bonus Idea One).STEP TWO: Measure and cut a length of magnetic tape 1/4" shorter than the longest part of the photo.STEP THREE: Curl the magnetic tape in your hands to flatten it out, working against the curve of the roll.STEP FOUR: Adhere the tape to the photo. Press for 5 seconds.STEP FIVE: Adorn your refrigerator!
BONUS IDEA ONE: Create a puzzle using the cut figures and the backgrounds. Big B loved this. He asked and/or announced the name of each person in the photo he was trying to match. Flip the backgrounds over for a more challenging version.BONUS IDEA TWO: If one of the people lucky enough to grace your appliance is having a birthday or special event, create a little homage to them with their magnet and other decorative items. Snap a picture and email it to them--instant e-card.


  1. Oh, I love dseeing these on your fridge from last year! Great reminder, this was such a good idea.
