Sunday, February 22, 2009

Project Updates: Improv and Chinese Coins

I woke up this morning, made a pot of coffee, and started freely piecing fabric. My contribution to the charity quilts for Project Improv had four requirements: that it be 12.5" square, somewhat follow a log-cabin pattern, be in the blue / green colorway, and most importantly, be completely improvisational. I am happy with this wonky result! I know that most of the outer pieces will be hidden in the seam allowance, but perhaps those thin strips showing will add some interest to the overall quilt. I can't wait to see the finished product. Blocks are due to Tallgrass Prairie Studio by April 1st, and will be pieced and quilted this summer. I'll be sure to post photos!

The second phase of Project Improv is that each participant make their own completely improvisational quilt. When I listed my sewing projects for the year, I'd thought I'd do another log cabin for our bed, which is in the most desperate need of a new quilt. But ever since Rose gave The Visionary a stacked coins quilt for her wedding, I've wanted to try one myself. And so--how serendipitous--this morning, as I was delving into my first improvisational square, I found this Piece-a-long Coin Quilt project from Chickpea Sewing Studio. Voila! Two groups to hold me (virtually) accountable to finishing one quilt! This is one of the many reasons I love blogging: the self-inflicted impetus to finish projects. I am now freshly inspired to create a king-sized quilt for our bed that will be clean, modern, slightly funky, fun, and hopefully, well-crafted.


  1. I LOVE IT!! Congratulations on having such a productive Sunday! I can't wait to see your stacked coins quilt. That's the pattern I'm doing for The Girl's quilt, too! It's so fun and easy.

  2. great work! i love the wonkiness of it! and so what if a bit disappears in the seam allowance...makes it more interesting. i'm going the coin along too!

  3. That's great. I love the total idea too.
