Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Great Equalizer: Recycled Tires

Driving home from the grocery store this afternoon, Big B, little b and I spied seven tires up for grabs on the side of the road. So with a trunk full of groceries, we piled them into my car (one in front of each car seat, one between the boys, one on my console and three in the passenger seat), all of us laughing hysterically. Big B rolled each tire to the backyard while I unloaded groceries.
We made a traditional obstacle course...
A tower of tires......and a radial climbing labyrinth of sorts. With the tire swing on our playground and the tractor tire Papa brought home for a sandbox years ago, that makes nine tires in our backyard now. They are all recycled, great for gross motor development and imagination, transformable in structure and purpose. Yet, my inner voice asks, nine tires? A Jeff Foxworthy phrase comes to mind...


  1. have you heard of growing potatoes in tires? might be an amusing side venture...

  2. You are the most fun mom, EVER!

    Can't wait to come over and play with your tires!
