Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Everything, There is a Season

Easter and its season truly embody the spirit of rebirth. The symbolic egg with its promise of life. The warmth of the soil and the planting of the new. The abundance of green and the brightness of color. The sweet simplicity of enjoying the sunshine together, once again.

We have returned from our annual Easter trip to south Georgia, skeeter-bitten, road-weary, happy and replenished, and I am grateful to have witnessed this spirit of rebirth all around me. There is a time to every act of nature, and a time to every purpose.

A time to search high, A time to search low,
A time to gather, A time to share,A time to give, A time to receive,A time to teach,
A time to learn,
A time to be young,A time to be old,A time to look forward,
A time to look back,A time to plant,A time to bloom,A time to play,A time to rest."For I remember it is Easter morn,
And life and love and peace are all new born."
~Alice Freeman Palmer


  1. What a beautiful post, from a beautiful mama. Thank you for such lovely inspiration this morning.

  2. Looks like a great trip. Nice to see pictures of this place I keep hearing about! Welcome home!

  3. This was a beautiful post.
    Thank you for sharing......I feel full of sunshine from it!
