Monday, May 11, 2009

We'll Reduce our Footprint in Other Ways...

...but we'll keep our nine dollar disposable plastic kiddie pool, thank you very much. Summer is peeking in, and in our backyard, that means water, water, water. Big E and little e joined us today to christen the season properly.
They created a water slide,...added a bucket of ice cubes,...and bent over backwards to make sure a good time was had by all. These four are tight, I tell you. We are very lucky.


  1. Looks like a glorious start to the season. We love pulling out the kiddie pool just before dinner time. Back Yard we come!

  2. Wow, it must be warmer where you are than where I am. Its downright chilly here, only 60 today! Love the pics of the kids. Always a favorite sight of mine!
