Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Creating an Outdoor Classroom : Day 2

We spent almost the entire morning in our developing outdoor classroom. The find of the day came from right next door: our wonderful neighbors were discarding an old toy bin storage system, with just one broken rail and a few missing bins. Perfect for an outdoor organization station. We started filling it with bug collecting gear, chalk, and various water table supplies.Our outdoor music station began taking shape today, as we collected all of the 'drums' we could find from the garage and backyard, exploring the tones they produced. We also found lids to two old dutch ovens, perfect for cymbals to accompany the drums. (I'm sure the neighbors agree...)And of course, more water table action today, this time with the inclusion of spray bottles, play sand, and ice cubes. The boys played outside nearly all morning, enjoying the summer sun, the new (but almost entirely recycled) play space, and being with each other.
"Help your brother's boat across,
and your own will reach the shore."
~Hindu Proverb


  1. This is AWESOME! Can we come play & learn soon?

  2. Wow! your boys are so lucky to have such a fun and adventurous life!!! we want to come play too!

  3. sweet sweet blessings.....oh and those blond curls are too freakin' cute
