Friday, July 10, 2009

Yard Sale Score: Tangled Up in Blue

Few surprises make me happier than finding that perfect treasure at an always-unexpected Friday yard sale. I believe it's because we never intentionally set out on yard sale expeditions on Fridays--only Saturdays--so the discovery is not hindered by anyone's expectations. It's as pure a treat as there is.

On the way to pick up Big B from preschool this morning, little b and I veered slightly off course and found this blue canopy for $5. So. Much. Fun.
This must have been a sign of things to come, for no sooner had we collected Big B did we spy another yard sale, at which we scored fourteen children's books in pristine condition, a brand new Cranium game, and some flashcards that will be absolutely perfect for tomorrow's family reunion road trip. Ah, the Friday yard sale...the makings of a splendid afternoon.


  1. How I love a bargain!

    Happy trails! Talk to you on Monday...

  2. That is fun, I love yard sales too and when you find a bargain that you fall in love with it's like winning the lottery ;)

  3. I love the good odd yard sale bargain! We go out every Friday to search...

    Just as a side note, I saw a really cute design for these in a Family Fun magazine I got(since they cancelled my Wonder Time).. they took a hula hoop and strung up lights and tulle all over it, and sewed different things to it...
