Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Camp B, Day Seven: House and Home Day

Camp B was thrown a curveball this morning by two leaky nostrils and a fever-y little b. Not to let this put a damper on the day, we decided to lay low and celebrate our home life with Camp B, Day Seven: House and Home Day.

While I was tending to little b this morning, I found a website for Big B that showcases houses around the world. We explored that for a little while, then I stumbled upon images from the 1937 edition of Shelter. WOW. A bit over Big B's head, but I'll be sure to remember this in a few years.

Little b would not cooperate with naptime, so we loaded up in the car in our pajamas and took a tour of our community's funkiest houses. I asked Big B who he thought built our house, and he answered, '"God?" which just cracked me up. We talked about how houses are built, and marveled at some of the unique details of these domiciles.For a quiet afternoon activity, I laid out simple building blocks and toy houses and left the rest to the imaginations of my boys.This evening, after little b was tucked in, Big B and I tried our hands at building a house of cards. We didn't get very far, but I was very proud of our patience and teamwork!
I have been cleaning and purging the boys' room in preparation for kindergarten, and serendipitously came across this book this morning. Building a House by Byron Barton is a simple, easy to understand, sweetly illustrated tutorial on how most American houses are built. Big B found it very interesting, and it was a great story to include in our bedtime trio.
“A house is a home when it
shelters the body and comforts the soul.”

--Phillip Moffitt


  1. You rock! What a great way to salvage a day with runny noses!

  2. I remember when I thought houses where unshakably strong as if they were built by god like a stone, and not things of studs and dry wall that need repairs and new roofs. Cool day!
