Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kiwanis Dial-a-Story

I've been so busy lately I've hardly had time to read my children their quota of stories, let alone write blog posts about them. But this week, at just the right time, I found a little help in that department.

Seasoned mothers probably know about this resource, but I've just discovered that our local Kiwanis Club sponsors a FREE telephone story service through our public library system called Dial-a-Story. The Kiwanis Club does this in many counties nationwide. Ask your children's librarian if this service is available for your little ones!

I've programmed our local Dial-a-Story phone number into my phone, so now when Big B wants to hear a story and I just can't get to him quickly enough, he dials it up and loves the autonomy that comes with it. What a brilliant idea! Thank you Kiwanis Club!

1 comment:

  1. If you want some additional stories, check out and click on the Dial-A-Story tab. They are organizing a list of all of the stories playing at all of the libraries across the entire country.
    Children now have access to hundreds of stories.
