Friday, February 12, 2010

My Digital Valentine

Today is the first Valentine's Day card exchange of Big B's public school career. As always ahead of the curve, Big B wanted to explore creating his cards digitally--and I gave him free reign. For his eighteen classmates, he created six designs that he printed and cut in different sized heart shapes, carefully selecting the right match for each friend.
We were left with a collection of eighteen hearts, each with its own unique signature. And I have a budding digital artist on my hands, all he wants to do is paint!


  1. how little flower while at home with a fever spend a large part of her day mastering the digital paint program too! She even made her Nanny's valentine on it.....sweet....I love them cut out into hearts!

  2. Way to go Big B; I love how he made this project his own! And how you gave him the space to do so.
