Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Tiger

This is Freeze. His real name is Freeze For Cats, but Big B calls him Freeze for short. This morning, Big B had the somewhat sneaky notion (that I didn't discourage) to tiger-nap Freeze and carry him to school in his backpack. We were almost to his kindergarten door when Big B realized Freeze never made it out of the house. Tears were shed at the thwarting of this brilliant master plan. I promised Big B that little b and Mama would take good care of Freeze, and that he would go wherever we went for the whole day.

And here is Freeze's day.

When little b and I picked up Big B, there Freeze was, safely buckled in his car seat. Big B smiled, then I saw a hint of sadness creep in as he remembered that things didn't go as he'd hoped...and then I handed him the camera. His face absolutely lit up at seeing our day from the perspective of his special friend. A happy reunion, indeed.


  1. I LOVE this!!! Every picture -- every word...just tugs at my heart strings! So darn sweet!!!

  2. Awwww... What a sweet story, and a great chance for Big B to learn how to accept things as they are. Nice work mama.

  3. Looks like Freeze had a great day. Glad you were able to sneak him into the park, since he missed school.

  4. awe, this is so sweet!!! just to letcha know... Freeze is snoring in his little bed... he cannot wait for hugs in the morning from his family! xoxo
