Friday, April 23, 2010

Shoebox Butterfly Gardens

Today, my amazing husband led Big B's class in the planting of their own shoebox butterfly gardens, in honor of National Landscape Architecture Month. I wasn't sure how smoothly things would go, putting wheelbarrows of soil, rocks, mulch and plants in front of twenty-four five and six year olds, but I was pleasantly surprised by the patience and care the children displayed. Big B was front and center, waiting eagerly for his Papa to help him plant his garden.
Papa taught them about the life cycle of the butterfly and how to take care of their plants. He taught them about different soil types, water absorption and mulch. He was wonderful, and for the most part, they all really listened.And check out these adorable butterfly gardens! I was most impressed. Each child planted one coral honeysuckle, one verbena, and one white guara. Beautiful!Big B took great care to design his garden just right...
...and slowly, carefully carried it back to his classroom. And Mama was very proud of her boys, big and small.Note: If you would like to try this activity, Papa suggests poking holes in the bottom and sides of these biodegradable boxes and planting them right in the ground. Butterflies like warm dark rocks, and a plastic lid filled with water would attract them to drink. Enjoy!


  1. Yay Papa! What a fantastic project.

    Butterfly gardens, nature devotionals, Tibetan mandalas... you guys are in the FLOW over there. Beautiful!

  2. Looks like it went without a hitch. I had no doubt that it would! How fun!!

  3. What a gorgeous idea. I've only just discovered your blog and look forward to reading more of your posts. I love all that you do to get your boys playing outside :)
