Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yard Sale Score: Vintage Goodness

At a lovely Sunday-only yard sale this morning, I was delighted to find a large and tasteful selection of vintage wares. This darling 1960's serving tray was probably my favorite. Big B and little b are thrilled that I picked up a Donvier Chill Fast Ice Cream Maker, circa a very long time ago, in perfect condition.
I scored big on this gorgeous batik of four horses, perfect for a certain someone in my family with a summer birthday.
Signed, original, antique and described, this will make a very nice gift.
I love yard sales, especially unexpected ones. Have you noticed? Add a brand new dress to the tally above and for twenty bucks, I'm a happy girl.

1 comment:

  1. wooow!!! love that mushroom tray... adorable!!! Love garage sailin!!!
