Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pickled Green Beans

Among the bounty collected at The Farm was a bag full of gorgeous green beans. Inspired by this recipe (passed along by a garden muse with a great attitude and a serious pocketknife), the boys and I got to work to create our own summer treat.
The first jar was opened this morning on our beach blanket. Deliciously crisp and tart! Cheers!
Summer Pickled Green Beans

2 pounds fresh green beans, rinsed and trimmed
4 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced lengthwise
8 sprigs fresh dill
4 jalapenos, sliced lengthwise and de-seeded
4 teaspoons salt
2 1/2 cups white vinegar
2 1/2 cups water

Snip green beans and cut to fit inside pint-sized canning jars. (We like the wide-mouthed kind for this treat--better suited for little hands.) Place green beans in a steamer over 1 inch of boiling water, and cover. Cook until tender but still firm, for 2-3 minutes. Plunge beans into ice water. Drain well. Sterilize four jars. Place 1 clove garlic (sliced lengthwise), 2 sprigs of dill, and one jalapeno (sliced lengthwise and de-seeded), into each hot and sterile jar, against the glass. Pack the beans into the jars and add 1 teaspoon of salt to each. In a large saucepan over high heat, bring vinegar and water to a boil. Pour over beans. Fit the jars with lids and rings and process for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath. Enjoy!


  1. Forgive me...what does 'process in a warm water bath' mean, exactly?

  2. Thanks for commenting! Processing in a hot water bath is just fully submerging the filled, sealed jars into a large pot of boiling water. Tip: spring for a jar lifter. Best utensil in my kitchen! Happy canning!
