Friday, July 8, 2011

Beach Jars

It rained on Big B's 7th birthday last week, so we missed our beach day and I think we all felt its absence. By Wednesday morning we were all itching for sand and salt. During my morning coffee browsing, I came across this link for adorable upside down terrariums. For a slightly different version, we packed up a box o' Mason jars for Big B, little b and their friends to create little bits of the beach to bring home.
What a hit! This crowd loves to hunt for treasure and find creatures--the glass was the perfect, special, take-home vessel. They were careful to keep the sea creatures alive in their buckets and store only the non-living things in the jars.
We set off mid-morning on a beachside treasure walk.
And when we arrived, sunkissed and happy, back home, we each had a bit of the beach to sustain us. At least until next week.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day at the beach! Can't wait for next Wednesday!
