Saturday, August 1, 2009

Yard Sale Score: Compassion

This morning's yard sale expedition held a certain magic. Papa, Mama, Big B and little b were in sync, laughing and singing together, completing each others' thoughts, and generally showing compassion for one another. The treasures of the day exemplified that compassionate vibe.

My most favorite find was this 1921 edition of The Mother's Book. I love finding vintage how-to books, usually for their antiquated vernacular and obselete advice. This one, however, holds wisdom that is lovely to read, and reinforces my intention for compassionate, back-to-basics parenting. Some excerpts:

"The more closely you look at your child in the clear light the more you will respect him."

"The best way is to walk hand in hand with the children right up to manhood and womanhood, trying to carry the cheer together, and cheerfulness has an abiding element that overcomes many obstacles."

And one of my favorites:I also picked up a set of eight beautiful paper lanterns in a summer-y palette...
...and a sweet little muse of compassion, Quan Yin. My friend Mama Bird, who is practicing her own thirty days of compassion, has a special connection with this goddess, and I found myself immediately drawn to her. I especially noticed the gratitude beads she holds in her right hand.
She sits on my nature altar. I placed her next to my own goddess of compassion, holding the gratitude beads I made at our last New Moon Circle.
Finding this book of compassionate teachings and the tiny Quan Yin in the same morning has made me very mindful of my own words and actions today. Somehow I am, as the book says, looking at my family in 'the clear light,' and I am grateful at the chance to savor these moments.


  1. That is a great find! I love that section of the book you showed.

  2. Wow! You have the best yardsale mojo of anyone I know!! I need to tag along with you again, I never seem to find anything good.

    A lovely book, a lovely Quan Yin, and a lovely post!

  3. Uncanny and delightful! Of course, I am blown away by your finds! I love how you manifest things into your world - even when yard saling. Such lovely little reminders from the Universe that you are exactly where you should be.
