Saturday, May 1, 2010

The First Beach Day

Welcome, Summer! Seemingly overnight, the cool, mild spring we were all soaking up gave in to the persistent, relentless heat of summer. We decided to ring it in by visiting one of our gorgeous local beach's annual sandcastle contest.Of course, when we were finished ooohing and aaahing at the sand creations, we had to take our inaugural swim in the Gulf. I soaked in the laughter and joy on the faces of my boys, and remembered my own childhood, when nights spent after days at the beach came with the very best dreams.As happy a day as it was for our family, I couldn't shake the nagging sadness and worry that this might be one of the very few times we are able to enjoy our beaches this summer. I am still processing the anger and confusion I am feeling at the recent oil spill and waiting, as is everyone else here, to see just how deep the damage will be. Perhaps this summer, instead of enjoying our beaches in the way we are used to, we will be joining the many who will clean them, a feeble apology to our Mother Earth for yet another poisonous indiscretion.


SwedeLife said...

Lovely beach time....I hope it stays so white and pristine, too.

catching caterpillars said...

wooowww! pretty pretty! don't you love this time of year!